• Public Adjusters Associates - Accidental Water Discharge Image

Accidental Water

Accidental Water Discharge - Commercial

As you’re walking into your family owned restaurant that you managed for 20 years and you notice the floors are soggy with water, sweat starts to permeate your forehead. Your business opens in 3 hours and an accidental water leak caused your public bathroom to be out of order. A simple plumbing mishap, which is one of the most common causes in accidental water discharges costs your inventory, appliances, content and business income!No matter how much you are prepared for hiccups, no one can predict which way water decides to run. Commonly throughout the seasons, different accidental water discharges appear the most.

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Air conditioners in summer months, drains in autumn, heating systems in winter and of course plumbing issues in the spring time.

Contact your local office of Public Adjusters Associates here in PA & NJ at (609) 266-9072 so that we can help you file your claim and get your business back to pre loss condition.

To schedule your consultation.

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